General Information

Fare supported unlimited use 30-day MTD bus passes are available to faculty, staff and post-docs who primarily use alternative transportation, do not own a parking permit (or share a carpool permit). Another qualification is that UCSB faculty and staff must be on UCSB payroll at least 45% and at least 4 months into the future to sign up for pretax payroll deduction for transit. The Transportation Alternatives Program buys the 30-day passes af full price and sells them at a discount through pretax payroll deduction only.


Your cost for a discounted bus pass if paid by pretax payroll deduction is:

  • Adult, $31.00 per month
  • Persons with a Disabilities (Mobility) Pass, $11.00 per month
  • Persons with a Medicare card, $11.00 per month
  • Seniors (age 62 & over), $11.00 per month


To apply, sign up for the Transportation Alternatives Program.

More Information

For more information about discounted bus passes, please call the Transportation Alternatives Program at (805) 893-5475 or send an e-mail to